Week of February 2
This week the class continued learning about Tu B’Shevat. The students enjoyed watching a fun video about the holiday. We also talked about our visit the prior week to JFS and talked about what the students learned, and they shared about their experiences. In Hebrew, students practiced reading with the letters Aleph and Ayin and traced some letters with shaving cream. The class practiced the tefillot we are learning for Kabbalat Shabbat and we ended the morning with music with Morah Becky. It was a great morning.
Shabbat Shalom
Week of January 26
Students had a meaningful Field Trip to Jewish Family Service. We learned about the services JFS provides, listened to a story about families needing assistance, and toured the Food Pantry. Working as a team, everyone decorated Passover cards which were inserted in each Hope Box. Students eagerly filled the Hope Boxes with cans, jars, and bags of non-perishable food. If you're looking for a rewarding mitzvah project, JFS accepts students 15 and older to volunteer by themselves, or 11 and older with a parent.
Thank you to the those who supported us by driving, supervising, sealing, labeling, and stacking. We returned to Anshai Torah with a renewed sense of pride knowing that each of us can make a difference.
Shabbat Shalom!
Sherri Massarella
Week of January 19
For Mitzvah Day Kitah Bet planted flower seeds and wrote messages in cards for IDF Soldiers.
Thank you Rachel Franco (Class Parent) for arranging Veronique to come share her Ketubah Art expertise with us and inspire our children.
Field Trip to Jewish Family Service 5402 Arapaho Road Dallas 75248 immediately after Tefillah this Sunday January 26. Parent drivers needed. Please let us know if your child is carpooling. Thank you.
Shabbat Shalom!
Week of January 12, 2025
Bet - Shalom,
We traced Hebrew letters with shaving cream before Tefillah. Afterwards, we learned how to read yud, vav, and nun sofit with different vowel sounds. Students modeled the sounds with movement, read whole group, and with a buddy.
Students retold the story of Joseph the Dreamer after watching a video about Joseph. They shared what they learned about Joseph. Students shared what it is like to be the oldest, middle, or youngest child and how they relate to their siblings.
Mitzvot & Values- after reciting each of the Ten Commandments, we focused on the commandment of not telling lies and not being jealous. We discussed being happy with what we have and how we can do our part in helping others less fortunate.
Students sang Shalom Aleichem, Shabbat Candle Blessing, Kiddush, Motzi and Hinei Ma Tov.
Thank you! Shabbat Shalom!
Field Trip to Jewish Family Service- Sunday, January 26 immediately after Tefillah. Parent drivers/chaperones needed. Please let us know if you're driving or if your child may carpool.
Kitah Bet
Week of December 15
Students were engaged as they played both Hanukkah Jeopardy and Hanukkah Bingo. Everyone enjoyed our fun Hanukkah crafts, songs, and food.
Have a wonderful Hanukkah celebration with friends and family!
Field Trip to Jewish Family Service on Sunday, January 26 after Tefillah. Students will make Hope Boxes, Passover Cards, and visit the Food Pantry. Parent drivers needed or students may carpool.
Week of December 8
This past week sudents read a Hanukkah Rebus, learned customs and sang the blessings. Hanukkah begins on the 25th of Kislev as we celebrate the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem after winning a revolt against the Syrian Greeks nearly 2200 years ago. Students learned about the miracle of the oil lasting for 8 days and what each letter on the dreidle symbolizes. Thank you Ariel Contreas for your help during our stations. We sang Hanukkah songs and made up our own fun lyrics to I have a Little Dreidle!
Vocabulary: Hanukkah-rededication; S'vivon-dreidle (spinning top); Maccabee-hammer
Students start class at 9:00 on 12/15. Parents join our Hanukkah Celebration at 10:30. Shabbat Shalom!
Week of November 17
After Tefillah, parents and students headed to The Legacy Willow Bend for our mitzvah field trip. Students played Candy Bingo with the residents in Assisted Living. Reagan won the first game! She called out the numbers for the next game. Lucas was our winner of blackout bingo and the competition was fierce. We listened to stories from retired Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman and from a Korean War Veteran. Once we returned to class, students reflected that it was a rewarding and fun mitzvah. " It was the best day ever and old people are nice".
Before heading to music, we learned lamed, mem, and mem sofit.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone when we return on Sunday, December 8.
Shabbat Shalom,
Mrs. Massarella
Week of November 10
We spent the morning in the Shacharit service with the leaders from Camp Ramah. I read a story about Shabbat and students learned that not only do we rest on Shabbat, but so do our animals and those we employ. We discussed things we can do to unplug and how to enjoy the beauty of Shabbat. Maisie called out the letters for an aleph-bet bingo. We participated in an engaging camp activity before students joined their parents in the sanctuary.
Reminder: Mitzvah Field Trip to The Legacy Willow Bend 11/17 after Tefillah (drivers meet by the sanctuary). Carpoolers, please leave a booster seat with your child. Thank you.
Week of November 3
Students read Hebrew in small groups and learned more letters and vowel sounds. We sang Hinei MaTov, Bim Bam, and David Melech Yisrael.
As we learned about our patriarchs and matriarchs, we learned about sibling rivalry from Jacob and Esau, how their parents played favorites, and the reason for a bridal veil. We observed the panels of the stained-glass windows in the sanctuary. We looked at the meaning associated with Jacob's dream of angels coming up and down the ladder.
Shabbat Shalom!
Shabbat Kehillah 11/9 from 9:30-12:30. No class Sunday, 11/10.
Mitzvah Day Field Trip to The Legacy Willow Bend 6101 Ohio Dr. Building B, 2nd Floor after Tefillah 11/17. We will return to Anshai Torah. Parents can drive or students may carpool. Thank you.
Week of October 27
Thank you Corey Todres, Rachel Franko and Jen Brill for helping students create an awesome edible Sukkah.
We excitedly learned The Art of Challah Braiding and Baking. Thank you Jennifer B., Jonathan, and Mark for your indispensable help. Each student made their own challah. We recited Shabbat blessings and had a blast!
Eytan read the Sukkot Jewpardy cards while teams aleph & bet answered questions. We learned about Simchat Torah as we celebrated finishing the reading of The Torah. We started reading from Bereshit with the story of creation this past Shabbat. Shabbat Shalom!
Vocabulary-HaMotzi Lechem Min Ha'aretz-Who brings forth bread from the earth
Field Trip-The Legacy Willow Bend Sunday, November 17 Mitzvah Day 6101 Ohio Dr. Building B. Parents can drive or students may carpool-depart Anshai Torah after Tefillah at 9:40 and return to school by 11:30. Students will be playing bingo with the residents. Please let Rabbi Kornsgold know if you are driving or if your child is carpooling.
Week of September 22
Students decorated Rosh Hashanah cards for seniors. We continued learning holiday customs and brachot. This week for Hebrew I introduced Shin and Sin. Then, after learning all of The Ten Commandments, we focused on the Commandment of Honoring Parents. We did a think/pair/share of ways to honor our parents.
Shabbat Shalom!
Tikun Olam-Repair the World Kibud Av V'em- Honoring Parents
Week of September 15
This past Sunday morning began writing 3 wishes for Israel that will be part of a community-wide event. We prayed together during Tefillah and the students are doig a great job learning the prayers. In class students learned fun facts about Israel and read about the beautiful coastal city of Haifa. They discovered we are partners with God and learned about making a Brit or Covenant.
Students continued to work with their partner as they drew each day of creation. We recited the candle blessings for Shabbat, Yom Tov, Kiddush, Motzi, and Shalom Aleichem. All of us excitedly tossed a ball as we called out the next letter of the aleph-bet.
There are a few strong shofar blowers in our class as we heard our peers belt it out during Music. Thank you.
Vocabulary:Shabbat Shalom...A Peaceful Sabbath!
Week of September 8
Dear Parents,
Mrs. Massarella read a story about emunah which means faith. All of us learned that God is everywhere, you can pray anywhere, and to respect others. We also read about Abram and how he came to believe in one God. As a class, we made a KWL chart about Rosh Hashanah, learned vocabulary, customs, sang the sounds of the shofar, holiday songs, and watched a Rosh Hashanah video. Students partner shared their personal goals for 5785. After introducing new letters, students did a beautiful job reading 1-2 syllable Hebrew words, and sang the aleph-bet song. Please bring tzedakah every Sunday. Students may bring a shofar or one other Judaica symbol Sunday, 9/15. Thank you. Shabbat Shalom!
Vocabulary: Rosh-head Shanah-year Tovah-good
Mon, February 17 2025
19 Shevat 5785
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