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HHD 2024 Adult Ed Classes

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 15 Elul 5784

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Join our Rabbis as we prepare for the upcoming High Holy Days.
Please make your selection(s) below and please indicate if you plan to join us in person or via zoom.
All classes will begin at 7pm.


September 4
Heeding the Call with Rabbi Kornsgold

The eerie sounds of the Shofar are very powerful.  People look forward to hearing its sound every year on the High Holidays. Do you know the significance of the sounds?  Do you know why we blow the shofar? Do you know how to blow the shofar? If you have your own shofar, please bring it with you to class.

September 11
Teshuva-Change -Start with the One in the Mirror with Rabbi Kushnick
During the High Holy Days we hear a lot about Teshuva, but changing ourselves is really hard.  What is real Teshuva, how is it possible, and what about the (Wo)Man in the Mirror?

September 18
Who will love and who will die? Who by fire and who be water? with Rabbi Weinberg

These powerful words characterize the extraordinary prayer known as the Unetane Tokef. Together, we will explore the poetry that moves us to tears as it captures the essence of the High Holy Days in exquisite language.

   Heeding the Call in person
   Heeding the Call via zoom
   Teshuva-Change -Start with the One in the Mirror in person
   Teshuva-Change -Start with the One in the Mirror via zoom
   Who will love and who will die? Who by fire and who be water? in person
   Who will love and who will die? Who by fire and who be water? via zoom


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Mon, February 17 2025 19 Shevat 5785