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Week of January 19


Week of January 12, 2025

Shalom, 5th grade parents

I am happy to see all my students after our Winter break. 

This week, we will start learning about Samson, whose story we find in the Tanach, in the book of judges.

 We will also start learning about Jewish values. We will talk about the mitzvah of Bikkur Cholim (visiting the sick), and students will share personal experiences about performing this mitzvah.

 I hope the students enjoy learning about Samson. I am sure not many students know he was a Jewish hero.



Week of December 8

Shalom 5th grade parents,

I can’t believe that it’s already the end of the first semester . Time went by so fast.

With Chanukah coming soon, we were reviewing the story of Chanukah.  The students got pieces of paper with parts of the story, and each group needed to put them in chronological order (almost everyone succeeded). We talked about the differences between the Menorah that was in the Temple, and the Chanukiah which we use today to light.

We discussed the way the Kohanim lit the Menorah with pure olive oil, and we compared to how do we light the Chanukiah today with candles or olive oil . We will also review the brachot for this holiday.

 Our students have been putting a very big effort into practicing their Hebrew reading .

I hope to see you all this Sunday for our Chanukah celebration (9am for students, 10:30am for parents).

Morah Esther Kuchinsky 


Week of November 3

Dear Parents,

This week the class continued making great progress in their Hebrew groups. I am so proud of their hard work! On Sunday morning, all students who moved up at least one level this year received a certificate. If your child was absent, please have your child ask Rabbi Kornsgold for the certificate the next time there is school.

In Judaic studies, we used the tefillah binders and worked on the Kedusha – which is part of the Amidah prayer. We read through the words, talked about the ,meaning and learned the movements associated with the words. We also talked about Shabbat. We looked in the story of Bereishit and found the words to part of the Friday night kiddush (Chapter 2:1). We reviewed the words and the meaning of the prayer.  Students learned the reason we light at least 2 Shabbat candles on Friday night, and we discussed what activities we could engage in on Shabbat if we had to cease from using electronic devices.  It would be great for your child to try to be away from electronic devices for at least a few hours on Shabbat to fully experience the beauty of Shabbat.


Week of October 27

Shalom 5th grade parents.

The month of Tishrei ( first month in the Hebrew calendar) is coming to an end, leaving all those holidays  behind us.

The next month coming is Cheshvan. Try to guess how many holidays do we have in this new month ???????

ZERO, no holidays.

We talked in class about this, and the students learned that the month of Cheshvan has a nickname : “Mar Cheshvan” Mar in Hebrew means bitter.

We were used to sooooo many holidays, that now, this new month will seem really bitter.

And now, we can go back to our schedule .

We will be learning about the leaders in the times of the Tanach (Bible)

We will also be spending time talking about Shabbat, all the mitzvot, traditions and services.

We want also to share with you, that we have 2 new students in our 5th grade class : A girl named ADIRA , and a boy named KAI . We are all excited to have them in our class.

Shabbat Shalom!!!!!


Week of September 29

Shalom 5th grade parents,

Another week went by and are getting ready for the Holiday which is here.

We were discussing the differences between the Jewish and the Secular New Years, and we also talked about the meaning of the word Mitzvh and the difference from mitzvah and tradition.

We got apples and honey for snack, and we said the proper blessing for it.

We were also busy practicing our Hebrew reading, and learning about our prayers.

I want to wish you and your families a

Shanah Tovah!!!! 



Week of September 22 & 25


Shalom, 5th grade parents

 Things are going well. We are learning about the Kohanim and the blessing they gave to the Israelites.  We also talked about the Kohanim today, using the same ancient blessing to bless the  Congregation. The students learned that today Jewish people are divided into 3  groups: Kohen, Levi and Israel. The fathers are the ones to pass this into their children. 

With Rosh Hashanah coming up, we talked about the word Teshuva (repentance). Each student wrote a private note mentioning the things they will want to improve in this coming new year. The notes are being sealed and kept in a bag for the students to read next year. We reviewed all the traditions for the Holiday.

I want to wish you all “Shanah Tovah U'metukah” a good and sweet year.

Shabbat Shalom!



Week of September 15 & 18

Shalom Parents,

In preparation for Rosh Hashanah, we talked  about the Hebrew calendar. The students watched a video about the moon faces, and learned that our calendar is Lunar which means we go by the moon. They understood that the new moon is the beginning of the month, and the full moon means that is the 15th or middle of the month. They even made the moon faces with Oreo cookies.

We also talked about the month of Elul (the last month) in which we prepare spiritually for Rosh Hashanah.

In Chumash we read about the tribe of Levi being special and being in charge of doing the work at the Mishkan ( new word)((tabernacle).

Morah Rakefet is no longer teaching the fifth grade class. Morah Esther will continue teaching the class and we will update you soon with any changes/additions to the class teaching staff.

Shabbat Shalom!

Morah Esther


Week of September 8

Shalom 5th grade parents. This has been a busy week. We started with our Chumash curriculum. We will be learning the book of Bamidbar (Numbers) which is the 4th book of the Torah. We had an introduction and learned about the differences between a Torah scroll and the printed book. They learned the word Chumash which is the correct word of the Torah book. Students learned about gematria (every Hebrew letter has a number value). We will be using it for the  Hebrew calendar and the dates of Jewish holidays. We are also working on our Hebrew reading, and every day, our students are improving their reading. We are really enjoying our students. We hope they are having a good time with us.                                                                                                                                                 Shabbat Shalom 

Morah Esther & Morah Rakefet

Mon, February 17 2025 19 Shevat 5785