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NER TAMID - $10,000 
  • 4 tickets at Speaker's table, plus 4 tickets with VIP seating at Keynote Dinner
  • Name recognition on website and program materials
  • Invitation to Saturday evening dessert reception and discussion
ETZ CHAIM - $5000
  • 2 tickets at Speaker's table, plus 2 tickets with VIP seating at Keynote Dinner
  • Name recognition on website and program materials
  • Invitation to Saturday evening dessert reception and discussion
TANACH - $2500
  • 2 tickets with VIP seating at Keynote Dinner
  • Name recognition on website and program materials
  • Invitation to Saturday evening dessert reception and discussion
TORAH - $1000
  • 4 tickets to Keynote Dinner
  • Name recognition on website and program materials
  • Invitation to Saturday evening dessert reception and discussion
TALMUD - $500
  • 3 tickets to Keynote Dinner
  • Name recognition on website and program materials
  • Invitation to Saturday evening dessert reception and discussion
MIDRASH - $250
  • 2 tickets to Keynote Dinner
  • Name recognition on website and program materials
  • Invitation to Saturday evening dessert reception and discussion
   Friday evening services, dinner & keynote
   Friday evening services/keynote - no dinner (virtual)
   Saturday morning services and kiddush luncheon with discussion (in person)
   Saturday morning services and discussion (virtual)
   Donor Dessert Reception (location TBD)Please select the events you plan to attend during our SIR25 Weekend and how many people will be joining you. Please make note of how many seats your sponsorship provides you for our Friday evening dinner and keynote presentation.

For additional information or questions, please contact:

Thank You!!

Thank you for sponsoring the event. 
Please consider a donation even if you may be unable to attend. 
Sponsorship opportunities are invited at all levels. 
You may also use this box to add a donation to your total.


Mon, February 17 2025 19 Shevat 5785