Week of February 9
Dear parents,
Last week, students participated in an engaging and interesting class about tefillin with Rabbi Kushnick. Students explored the contents of the tefillin, the purpose of wearing it, and its significance in Jewish life.
Additionally, students learned about Tu BiShavat and learned that the 15th of Shevat became the date for calculating the beginning of the agricultural cycle for the purpose of biblical tithes, and it also marks the birthday of the trees. Furthermore, students participated in an engaging and enjoyable activity about the holiday, where they learned fascinating facts about the world of trees and plants, which they greatly enjoyed.
Great job everyone and keep up the great work!
Week of February 2
This past week the students learned about disabilities and inclusion in the Jewish community. The session prepared the class for the wonderful program on Wednesday. On Wednesday, students engaged in hands on activities to give them a sense of how people with disabilities struggle daily. Students showed great compassion and were engaged in the class discussion.
Shabbat Shalom
Week of January 19
Dear Parents,
Last Sunday, we had a mitzvah day, which the students enjoyed very much. They had fun writing Shabbat cards to help bring a smile to people in LA devastated by the wildfires, decorating boxes for soldiers, and making blankets for shelter dogs.
During the week, we learned about places in Israel through engaging card games, and the students exhibited a great knowledge identifying and describing these places.
In Hebrew Studies, students put great efforts in reading Hebrew texts accurately and fluently.
Shabbat Shalom
Week of January 12, 2025
During the last week, we reviewed our ancestors’ history and learned about the story of Joseph and his brothers. Students read the Torah portion (Vayeshev) about this story, followed by a discussion about conflicts and jealousy in the family. Additionally, we blended Hebrew words into the reviews of the story.
In Israel Studies, we watched a video clip about the main places in Jerusalem. After that the students completed an assignment related to the topic about the capital city.
Great Job everyone and see you Sunday!
Week of December 8
Dear Parents,
This week, we learned about the history background of Hanukkah and the reasons for celebrating the holiday. Additionally, we discussed the concept of heroism and bravery. Students became acquainted with many aspects and customs of the holiday and enjoyed playing the holiday Jeopardy.
In Hebrew studies, students continue to demonstrate great Hebrew reading skills when reading tefillot (prayers) as well as modern texts. I wish you and your families a Happy Hanukkah and have a great winter break!
Please join us on Sunday for our school Chanukah Celebration. 9am for students, 10:30am for parents.
Wednesday, December 1
Dear Parents,
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving break.
During this week, we learned about Hanukkah and its historic background. The students did a great job in putting the holiday events in chronological order.
We played Hebrew bingo game about Hanukkah that describes the Holiday different customs.
Students are doing an amazing work in Hebrew Studies and continue making a progress in reading Hebrew.
Excellent Job everyone!
Week of November 10
Dear Parents,
On Shabbat, we attended the morning service, followed by discussing Shabbat customs and mitzvot. Students shared their own experiences about Shabbat celebrations with their family.
Additionally, Students learned about Israel and completed a worksheet about cities in Israel. During the week we incorporated city identification on a map with Hebrew, and the students successfully wrote the cities name in Hebrew. They did a great Job!
In Hebrew Studies, students continue to work on their Hebrew reading and are making excellent progress!
Shabbat Shalom
Week of November 3
Dear Parents,
During the last week, in Jewish studies students met different approaches in Judaism regarding the question of who wrote the Torah. We reviewed and discussed these perspectives, and the students offered their own view about that.
In Jewish Life in America, we learned how in the seventeenth century. Jews lived according to Jewish tradition, succeeded economically and participated in prosperous colonial trade. Additionally, we saw how Jews in the American colonies were divided on the issue of the revolution in 1775.
In Hebrew studies, students just successfully completed reading their assigned book and have advanced to the next Hebrew reading level. Congratulations and good luck in the next reading unit!
The students are doing excellent work in every class and I'm proud of them!
Week of October 27
Dear Parents,
During the last week, we discussed Toldot (Generations) portion and learned about Esau who sold his birthright (his rights as the firstborn) to Jacob for a stew. We talked about the meaning of a birthright, why it is important in certain societies, and what would students do if they were Esau or Jacob. We had an exciting and interesting conversation!
At Jewish and American History, we discussed the reasons for which the Jewish people left Europe in the fifteenth century in order to find a better life in America. We also learned about the first Jewish people to come to America, their struggles, and successes, and students expressed their opinion regarding immigration and changes in life.
Additionally, we discussed the prolonged Israeli-Palestinian conflict and used the map of Israel to illustrate some of the factors that were discussed. In Hebrew studies, students continue to make wonderful progress in reading Hebrew texts of the Bible as well as of modern Hebrew. The students are working eagerly and enthusiastically while studying in the class and completing their assignments and I'm so proud of them!
Week of September 22 & 25
Dear Parents,
This past week, students learned about Bene’i Mitzvah and its meaning. We said that this process is a journey through which kids contribute to the society and world by gemilut hasadim (charity) which is the first step of becoming an adult and a responsible person.
In the unit of Jewish Life, we learned that even though divorce is not a happy experience, it is one of the mitzvot in Judaism.
We continued learning about Rosh Hashanah aspects, customs and blessings, and we also enjoyed playing various games and engaging activities, which the students liked very much.
In Hebrew studies, the students are doing a great job applying the reading rules into reading modern and Biblical Hebrew texts. They are very focused and diligent!
The students excel in Jewish studies as well as in Hebrew reading and complete all their tasks with a lot of success. I'm really proud of them.
Wishing you Shanah Tovah and best wishes for a year full of prosperity and happiness!
Week of September 15 & 18
Morah Ronit
Dear Prents,
During the last week, the students learned about Rosh Hashanah, its origin and the reasons for celebrating it. We discussed many concepts related to the holiday and acted out scenarios that illustrate the importance of making a repentance.
Moreover, we talked about the symbolic foods we eat at Rosh Hashanah and played a memory game which reinforced this topic.
Additionally, we learned about Vayera (And He Appeared) portion about Abraham and described him as a role model for moral principles such as kindness, showing hospitality, fairness, and compassion.
We discussed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, worked with the map of Israel, and reviewed the history of Israel.
In Hebrew studies, the students continue to work diligently and successfully when reading Hebrew!
Thank you very much
Morah Tova
This week the class:
- Continued reading the Hebrew date, singing the Hebrew months’ song, Conversation in modern Hebrew.
- Practicing reading Hebrew in groups
- Reading the Torah blessings; new Vocabulary word:
Practicing the family tree words for the
Roots: נ.ת.נ and ב.ר.כ that are in the Torah blessings
- Reviewed the basics of Rosh HaShanah, Mitzvot and customs (through a game)
- Each student wrote: "My hope for Israel is..." As we stand in solidarity with Israel and want to highlight support throughout Jewish Dallas by collecting children's prayers.
- Shana Tova cards that our kids made and will be delivered to the senior residents at Legacy at Willow Bend.
- Introducing: Mahzor and the prayer:
“Unetaneh Tokef” and Tzedakah.
- Continued our project: My Hebrew name
Week of September 8
Morah Ronit
Dear Parents,
During the last week, students made excellent progress in Jewish studies as well as in Hebrew studies.
We completed discussing the Bereshit portion and we talked about how unique and important each human being is in the eye of God and how much responsibility each one of us has to bear as a result of the unique role God has given to each one of us. We also contrast the idea of being created in the image of God versus being created out of dust and ashes.
We also read the Noah portion and learned that Noah was the only person on earth who kept his values and his belief in God when others around him misdeed. We learned about Noah's ark and students gave beautiful ideas and suggestions of how they would build their own ark if they were Noah.
The students raised original and unique ideas during these discussions.
Additionally, we discussed the meaning of Rosh Hashanah, where this holiday is mentioned, and what the reasons for celebrating the Jewish new year are (marking the start of a new year in the Hebrew calendar, marking a new agricultural year, indicating God's kingdom over the world). Furthermore, we talked about the symbolic foods we are eating on Rosh Hashanah, and the students successfully wrote these symbolic foods in Hebrew!
In Hebrew studies, students are doing a great job in reading Hebrew. They work diligently and successfully while reading from Hebrew texts and put forth their maximum efforts.
I'm enjoying teaching your kids. They exhibit great learning and discussion skills throughout the classes and I'm really proud of them!
Morah Tova
Students continue to make good progress in their Hebrew groups. The class looked at Rosh Hashanah through the lens of liturgy. In addition, we did a quick review of the basic facts about Rosh Hashanah including customs. Students were given a questionnaire to take home and interview family members about Rosh Hashanah. In class we continue to have conversations using new vocabulary we are using, so students will be able to speak Hebrew and understand basic words. In our tefillah binders, students practiced the Torah blessings and worked on the vocabulary.
Mon, February 17 2025
19 Shevat 5785
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