The Leida Uretsky Chapter of Hazak is an auxiliary of Congregation Anshai Torah, whose members are adults 55 and older. Hazak is an organization founded by United Synagogue for Conservative Judaism in recognition that the most rapidly growing demographic group in the Jewish community are the 55 and older “Baby Boomers”. Hazak provides opportunities to connect with each other, enrich our personal and congregational lives, strengthen our congregation, be a voice for seniors in our synagogue and, most importantly, to have fun. We are 250+ members strong, and growing!
The name HAZAK (strength) is an acronym: the het stands for Hokhmah (wisdom), the zayan for Ziknah (maturity) and the kuph for Kadima (looking ahead). Hazak affirms the traditional Jewish view that mature adults should have the opportunity to continue to learn and be active in their congregations, their communities and amongst themselves.
Hazak promotes Judaism through projects and meaningful experiences both in the synagogue environment and on a community level. Hazak compliments congregational adult education programs with specially designed social, spiritual, physical, and educational components. These opportunities help develop a sense of community through a variety of creative programs, most of which are open to the entire community.
Address questions to and receive additional information from Hazak President, Harvey Swento, at HazakCAT@gmail.com.
If making a real contribution to OUR Anshai Torah and the larger Jewish community is important to you, JOIN US!
If YOU enjoy educational, interactive presentations and spending time with friends and family, JOIN US!
If YOU are a forward-thinker with the wisdom and maturity of both the present and past, JOIN US!
Yes, we are dedicated to maintaining our physical and mental health.
Yes, we cherish our children and generations before and after.
Yes, we support the Shul and those in need.
Yes, we are all 55+ (or a spouse thereof).
Yes, we love to sing and dance.
Yes, we need YOU to
You can join Hazak by clicking on this link Hazak Membership Form or contacting our membership chair,
David Intebi, (HazakCAT@gmail.com) and say you want to
Cost is only $20 per person per year for Ansahi Torah members, or $30 per person per year for non members.
We invite YOU to JOIN US! as we share new experiences and enjoy
our passion for life together - whatever the event or activity.
- Co-Presidents: Harvey Swento & Philip Balis
- Past President: David Intebi
- Vice President: Andy Rabhan
- Treasurer: Josh Socolof
- Secretary: Karen Schultz
Board Members
Committees and their Members
- Historian: Sandy Balis, Sheila Brown
- Project Isiah: Sheila Brown
Many families are saying Kaddish due to a recent loss or annual remembrance. As YOU need the support of 9 others when it’s YOUR time to say Kaddish, it is OUR privilege and obligation to support others with regular Minyan attendance. Send an email to HazakCAT@gmail.com with the date and whether you will attend the morning and/or evening service. We will be there for YOU! Until further notice minyanim are in person or via Zoom.
Join us for HAPPY HOUR every Wednesday at 5:45PM. We meet each Wednesday 30 minutes before the start of minyan. So bring your favorite food and/or drink, relax and SCHMOOZE! Then stay to join the minyan.
Give it a try, meet your friends on Zoom & chat!
Everyone Can Join Zoom Happy Hour via Zoom:
Do you know a member who is recovering from an illness? Please contact us to have a get-well card sent from Hazak.
We would likewise love to acknowledge simchas. Please contact Jackie Fleschman, at jfleshman@aol.com.
THE MOVIE IS SEPTEMBER 5TH. It retells the story of the 1972 Munich Summer Olympic Games, when eight Palestinian Black September terrorists took 11 Israelis hostage. The terrorists demanded the release of more than 300 Palestinians and non-Arabs who were imprisoned in Israel on various charges. Ultimately, five terrorists and all 11 athletes and coaches were killed. The filmmaker re-creates that terrible day focusing specifically on how the team from ABC Sports pivoted to a horrific news story for the ages. Registration opens soon!
See below for further details. Please click on the activity link(s) above to register.
For assistance or suggestions for future events, contact Hal Babitch, jhtpbab@gmail.com or 469-766-0774
Kosher Dill Pickleball Tournament - September 2024
Wine & Cheese Social - August 2024
Member Appreciation Breakfast - June 2024
CHAI House Picnic - May 2024
The Evening Stars - January 2024
Veterans Day Recognition - November 2023
Comedy Night - October 2023
Pickleball Tournament - September 2023
Wine & Cheese Social - August 2023
Mon, February 17 2025
19 Shevat 5785
Online Access
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: 8:00am |
: 6:15pm |
: 7:15pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 17 |
Feb 19 |
Feb 20 |
Feb 21 |
Feb 22 |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Mishpatim
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 21, 6:00pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Feb 22, 7:00pm |
Shabbat Mevarchim
Shabbat, Feb 22 |
Ways to Support Anshai
Consider honoring a friend or loved one by making a donation in their name.
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