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Congregation Anshai Torah Sisterhood


Dr. Kaufmann is a clinical psychologist, certified mindfulness meditation teacher, decades-long Zen practitioner, and Founder of Embrace the Middle—a company dedicated to serving women in midlife. Dr. Kaufmann is also a published researcher, a community leader, popular speaker, and former faculty at Alliant International University and National University.  Dr. Kaufmann will speak and have a Q&A. Her book is available on Amazon (see link to purchase book below - purchase not necessary to attend).

Reception generously sponsored by Amy Balis and Julie Gothard.

Purchase Book Here

Upcoming Sisterhood Events (subject to change)

2/13/25 (Thursday) @ 7 pm: Embrace the Middle Author Event - Anshai Torah social hall  

4/25/25 (Friday) @ 6:30 pm: Torah Fund Kabbalat Shabbat Oneg - Anshai Torah main sanctuary

5/4/25 (Sunday @ 6 pm: Sisterhood elections - Anshai Torah sanctuary

Upcoming Sisterhood Board Meetings (subject to change)

*All Sisterhood members are always welcome to attend board meetings.

4/27/24 (Sunday): Sisterhood board meeting @ 2 pm (TBD)

5/4/25 (Sunday): Sisterhood board meeting/elections @ 6 pm (Anshai Torah)

Sisterhood 2024-2025 Board

President: Jennifer Robinowich
Membership: Alexis Montang & Mackenzie Katz
Programming: Marla Zack & Gabrielle Hattingh
Mitzvah: Gilda Zucker & Hali Hermann
Corresponding Secretary: Bethany Last
Recording Secretary: Pamela Wainer
Treasurer: Joanne Croll 
Member at Large: Sivya Leventhal & Cory Todres
Women’s League Representative: Sherry Lynn Rubin & Shawn Frank
Immediate Past President: Stephanie Kufert
Committee Chair, Non-Board Seats:
Sisterhood Shabbat: Sharon Ginchansky
Torah Fund: TBD
Interested in becoming a board member or just want to get more involved please email us at

Past Happenings



Sisterhood kicked off our 24/25 year with a delicious Rosh Hashannah themed charcuterie making class led by our very own "Board Mama" Robin Plotkin. It was a cheese pairing, fruit cutting, and centerpiece making education enjoyed by over 60 of our members. The best part was our delectable take home treats! 


Sisterhood had such an amazing time at our Crack Dot Bam Mah Jongg night! With over 60 ladies in attendance, we had so much fun teaching newbies how to play, learning from seasoned “Mahj Matrons,” and just playing a friendly game with new friends. Special thanks to Diane Kufert for her excellent guest teaching lecture with slides to boot!


Sisterhood had an AMAZING Hanukkah event this past month. Around 40 of our lovely members gathered to play dreidel, enjoy delicious latkes, and play a super fun Saran Wrap game.  We also participated in a mitzvah project making shopping bags out of old shirts which benefited the Food Pantry. To top off the evening, Talia Kushnick spoke about women’s heroism in the Hanukkah story. 



Just in time for the Holidays, our Sisterhood had a delicious time learning a new honey cake recipe at our Rosh Hashanah inspired Honey Cake Bake.  


Our Sisterhood membership appreciation brunch was a huge success with over 60 lovely ladies enjoying delicious nosh prepared by our amazing kitchen staff.  

About Sisterhood
Every organization in which you come in contact wants you, your time and your energy. So why should Sisterhood at Congregation Anshai Torah be a part of your life? The answer is simple. You spend time doing things for your family, our synagogue, your job. You provide services: chauffeur, caregiver, chief cook and bottle washer, laundress, social chairman - the list goes on and on. You need to ask yourself; what do I do just for me?

The answer should be Sisterhood. Come to our gatherings to have some time just for you. Take time to be with other Jewish women, to learn something new, to have some fun and a good laugh. Enjoying life and laughter are integral parts of Sisterhood. Use the right side of your brain and expand your Jewish knowledge.  Take a big breath and relax, vent, brag, discuss, ask/give advice with other women who share similar goals and life dilemmas with you. Sisterhood wants to get to know you and we think you will enjoy getting to know us!

Membership - Top 5 Reasons To Get Involved

  • Experience personal growth through programs for education, leadership, social networking and relationship building to help you foster a living Judaism in the home, synagogue and community.
  • Increase the number of Anshai Torah members you meet, thereby increasing the chance you'll feel like you've found your spiritual home when you attend services and events.                                         
  • Engage in leadership development. Build on talents you have and discover some you didn't know you possessed.
  • Contribute to our synagogue in numerous, integral ways through fundraising, programming and volunteer services.
  • Meet fascinating women of all ages, backgrounds and interests. Make connections throughout our congregation, our community, our world.

Join Today!

All women are welcome to join and membership to Anshai Torah is not required.  Our dues are $50.00 a year per member. Of that amount, $15.00 goes to our national organization, Women's League for Conservative Judaism. The other $35 is used to support Sisterhood and pay for programming.

Link to Sisterhood Membership Form

A Taste of Home: The Congregation Anshai Torah Family Cookbook

Click Here to access the cookbook

To login for the first time click here

To login to an existing account click here

To explore the WLCJ's programs click here



   Help Support Torah Fund.  For more information, please click HERE.

To Donate to Torah Fund through Sisterhoods Campaign, CLICK HERE

Every woman has the opportunity to participate in preserving, promoting and perpetuating Conservative/Masorti Judaism through active giving to the Torah Fund Campaign of Women’s League in support of the Jewish Theological Seminary (New York, NY), Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies (Los Angeles, CA), Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies (Jerusalem), Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano (Buenos Aires), and Zacharias Frankel College (Potsdam).

Did you know CAT Sisterhood has a Facebook Page?  Please like us!  Contact Bethany Last at and she will add you as a member to the CAT Sisterhood Page.

Mon, February 17 2025 19 Shevat 5785